The Truman Show is a 1998 American science fiction comedy drama film directed by Peter Weir, produced by Scott Rudin, Andrew Niccol, Edward S. Feldman, and Adam Schroeder, and written by Niccol. The film stars Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank, adopted and raised by a corporation inside a simulated television show revolving around his life, until he discovers it and decides to escape.Additional roles are performed by Laura Linney, Noah Emmerich, Natascha McElhone, Holland Taylor, Ed Harris, and Brian Delate.
- Starring : Jim Carrey / Laura Linney
- Genre : Comedy / Drama / Sci-Fi
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Peter Weir
- Production : Paramount Pictures / Scott Rudin Productions
- Distributor : Paramount Pictures / Filmes Lusomundo / United International Pictures (UIP) / AVU-Video-Vertriebs-GmbH / Argentina Video Home / CIC Video / CIC Vídeo / CIC-Taft Home Video / Deejay TV – NOVE / Finnkino / National Broadcasting Company (NBC) / Nelonen / Paramount Home Entertainment / Paramount Home Video / RTL Entertainment
The Truman Show movie
The Truman Show release date
- June 1, 1998 : USA (Westwood, California) (premiere)
- June 5, 1998 : Canada
- June 5, 1998 : USA
- September 12, 1998 : France (Deauville Film Festival)
- September 24, 1998 : Australia
- October 1, 1998 : Singapore
- October 9, 1998 : UK
- October 9, 1998 : Ireland
- October 28, 1998 : France
- October 30, 1998 : Spain
- October 30, 1998 : Israel
- November 6, 1998 : Sweden
- November 12, 1998 : Germany
- November 13, 1998 : Switzerland (German speaking region)
- November 14, 1998 : Japan
The Truman Show cast
- Jim Carrey as Truman Burbank
- Laura Linney as Meryl Burbank / Hannah Gill
- Noah Emmerich as Marlon
- Natascha McElhone as Lauren / Sylvia
- Holland Taylor as Truman’s Mother
- Brian Delate as Truman’s Father
- Blair Slater as Young Truman
- Peter Krause as Lawrence
- Heidi Schanz as Vivien
- Ron Taylor as Ron
- Don Taylor as Don
- Ted Raymond as Spencer
- Judy Clayton as Travel Agent
- Fritz Dominique as Truman’s Neighbor
- Angel Schmiedt as Truman’s Neighbor
The Truman Show was originally a spec script by Niccol, inspired by an episode of The Twilight Zone called “Special Service”. Unlike the finished product, it was more of a science-fiction thriller, with the story set in New York City. Scott Rudin purchased the script, and set up production at Paramount Pictures. Brian De Palma was to direct before Weir signed as director, making the film for $60 million—$20 million less than the original estimate. Niccol rewrote the script while the crew was waiting for Carrey to sign. The majority of filming took place at Seaside, Florida, a master-planned community located in the Florida Panhandle.
The film was a financial success, debuting to critical acclaim, and earned numerous nominations at the 71st Academy Awards, 56th Golden Globe Awards, 52nd British Academy Film Awards and The Saturn Awards. The Truman Show has been analyzed as a thesis on Christianity, metaphilosophy, simulated reality, existentialism, and reality television.
Truman Burbank is the unsuspecting star of The Truman Show, a reality television program broadcast live around the clock worldwide. He has spent his entire life in the seaside town of Seahaven Island, which in reality is an enormous set near Hollywood, equipped with state of the art technology to simulate day/night, weather conditions, and five thousand cameras are watching him. The producers discouraged Truman from leaving Seahaven by instilling him with aquaphobia through the “death” of his TV father in a boating “accident”, and by constantly broadcasting and printing messages of the dangers of traveling. All of Seahaven’s other residents are actors. Christof, the show’s creator and executive producer, seeks to capture Truman’s real emotion and human behaviour and give audiences a relatable everyman.
Despite Christof’s control, he could not predict all of Truman’s actions. During his college years, Truman was intended to fall in love with and marry co-student Meryl, but fell for Sylvia, an extra. Sylvia warned him that his reality is fake before being removed from the show, where Truman is told she moved to Fiji with her father. While Truman went on to marry Meryl, he continues to think about Sylvia. He uses scraps from magazines to recreate her face in secret, and seeks travel to Fiji. Outside of the show, Sylvia has become part of a “Free Truman” campaign that demands the end of the show and Truman’s freedom.
As the show goes on, Truman starts noticing unusual events: a spotlight falling out of the sky, a radio frequency that precisely describes his movements and rain that falls only on him. Truman spots a disheveled man and recognizes him as his father, who had sneaked back onto the set, but other actors quickly drag the man away. Despite efforts by Meryl and Truman’s best friend Marlon to reassure him, Truman becomes even more suspicious about his life. One day, he takes Meryl by surprise by going on an impromptu road trip, but their way is blocked by increasingly implausible emergencies. Meryl begins to break down from the stress; during an argument with Truman, she breaks character and is taken off the show. Hoping to bring Truman back to a controllable state, Christof re-introduces Truman’s father to the show properly, under the guise of having lost his memory after the boating accident. This helps the show regain the ratings lead with audiences and Truman seems to return to his routines.
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