The Banana Splits Movie is a 2019 American comedy horror film directed by Danishka Esterhazy and written by Jed Elinoff and Scott Thomas, based on the 1968 Hanna-Barbera children’s television series The Banana Splits. The film stars Dani Kind, Steve Lund, Finlay Wotjak-Hissong, Romeo Carere, Sara Canning and the voice of Eric Bauza. The plot follows a family attending a live taping of The Banana Splits television series, but trying to survive when the titular characters go haywire upon learning of their show’s cancellation, starting a killing spree around the studio.
- Starring : Dani Kind / Steve Lund
- Genre : Comedy / Horror / Sci-Fi / Thriller
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Danishka Esterhazy
- Production : Blue Ice Pictures / Blue Ribbon Content
- Distributor : Warner Bros. / Roadshow Entertainment / Syfy / Warner Bros. Home Entertainment
The Banana Splits Movie movie
The Banana Splits Movie release date
- July 17, 2019 : USA (San Diego Comic-Con)
- July 18, 2019 : USA (San Diego Comic-Con)
- August 13, 2019 : USA (internet)
- August 26, 2019 : UK (DVD & Blu-Ray premiere)
- August 26, 2019 : UK (FrightFest)
- August 26, 2019 : Ireland (DVD & Blu-ray premiere)
- August 27, 2019 : Canada
- August 27, 2019 : USA (DVD & Blu-ray premiere)
- September 4, 2019 : Australia
The Banana Splits Movie cast
- Dani Kind as Beth
- Steve Lund as Mitch
- Celina Martin as Poppy
- Finlay Wojtak-Hissong as Harley
- Sara Canning as Rebecca
- Romeo Carere as Austin
- Maria Nash as Zoe
- Naledi Majola as Paige
- Richard White as Stevie
- Kiroshan Naidoo as Thadd
- Keeno Lee Hector as Jonathan
- Lia Sachs as Parker
- Lionel Newton as Karl
- Daniel Fox as Andy
- Vash Singh as Doug
The Banana Splits Movie premiered at the San Diego Comic-Con on July 18, 2019, and was released via Blu-ray and DVD on August 27, 2019 by Warner Bros. Home Entertainment. It received generally positive reviews from critics and was aired on the Syfy channel on October 12, 2019 for the Halloween season.
Harley Williams is a huge fan of The Banana Splits, a successful children’s television series featuring four animatronic characters — Fleegle, Bingo, Drooper, and Snorky — along with their human co-star Stevie. On his birthday, Harley’s mother Beth and his stepfather Mitch take him to a live taping to the show at Taft Studios with his brother Austin and his classmate Zoe. Arriving, the family meets the show’s hostess Paige and her assistant Doug, fan couple Thadd and Poppy, aspiring young performer Parker with her father Jonathan, and security guard Sal.
As the taping is getting ready, the studio’s new vice president of programming Andy informs the show’s producer Rebecca that he is canceling the show after the recording. The Banana Splits’ software updates go haywire upon learning this, with Bingo kidnapping Andy while Drooper thrusts a prop lollipop down Stevie’s throat, killing him. Outside the studio, Beth learns Mitch is cheating on her with his secretary. As she returns to the studio, Mitch finds Sal’s decapitated corpse and is then chased and run over by Snorky driving the Banana Buggy.
Meanwhile, Poppy accepts Thadd’s marriage proposal while blogging the backstage before Fleegle arrives and murders Thadd by sawing him in half. Fleegle leaves Poppy when he hears Harley and Zoe looking for Snorky, taking the children to the workshop. He traps them with Parker, who Bingo kidnapped after Jonathan’s face was burned by Drooper when they were looking for Andy for his daughter’s audition.
Beth, Austin, Paige, and Rebecca learn about the Banana Splits’ carnage after finding a seriously injured Jonathan. While Paige finds the phones disconnected and the confiscated cells destroyed, Beth takes out Bingo before she and Austin find Poppy and convince her to join them. Meanwhile, Harley, Zoe, and Parker meet the Banana Splits’ creator Karl, who considers his creations’ actions justified by the show’s cancellation and is conflicted over freeing the children. Drooper brings Bingo to Karl for repair, causing Karl to get distracted enough for the kids to escape and lock him in his own cell while fleeing. At the same time, Rebecca and Jonathan are forced to participate in the show’s obstacle course, with Jonathan stabbed to death by Fleegle in the back with a key while Rebecca wins before Drooper smashes her face with a giant hammer.
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