Dr. Stone is a 2019 television anime series produced by TMS Entertainment based on the manga of the same name written by Riichiro Inagaki, illustrated by Boichi, and published in Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine. 3700 years after a mysterious light turns every human on the planet into stone, genius boy Senku Ishigami emerges from his petrification into a “Stone World” and seeks to rebuild human civilization from the ground up. The series is directed by Shinya Iino, with Yuichiro Kido as scriptwriter, and Yuko Iwasa as character designer.
Tatsuya Kato, Hiroaki Tsutsumi, and Yuki Kanesaka compose the series’ music. The series began airing on July 5, 2019 on Tokyo MX and other channels. It will run for 24 episodes. The opening theme is “Good Morning World!” by Burnout Syndromes, while the series’ ending theme is “Life” by Rude-α. The second opening theme is “Sangenshoku” by Pelican Fanclub, while the series’ second ending theme is “Yume No Youna” by Saeki YouthK. The series is streamed by Crunchyroll worldwide outside of Asia, and Funimation is currently producing a simuldub. The English dub of the anime began airing on Adult Swim’s Toonami block on August 24, 2019.
You thought you’d need to wait 3,700 years? Dr. STONE Season 2 Announced!
Dr. Stone is a 2019 television anime series produced by TMS Entertainment based on the manga of the same name written by Riichiro Inagaki, illustrated by Boichi, and published in Shueisha’s Weekly Shōnen Jump magazine. 3700 years after a mysterious light turns every human on the planet into stone, genius boy Senku Ishigami emerges from his petrification into a “Stone World” and seeks to rebuild human civilization from the ground up. The series is directed by Shinya Iino, with Yuichiro Kido as scriptwriter, and Yuko Iwasa as character designer.
Tatsuya Kato, Hiroaki Tsutsumi, and Yuki Kanesaka compose the series’ music. The series began airing on July 5, 2019 on Tokyo MX and other channels. It will run for 24 episodes. The opening theme is “Good Morning World!” by Burnout Syndromes, while the series’ ending theme is “Life” by Rude-α. The second opening theme is “Sangenshoku” by Pelican Fanclub, while the series’ second ending theme is “Yume No Youna” by Saeki YouthK. The series is streamed by Crunchyroll worldwide outside of Asia, and Funimation is currently producing a simuldub. The English dub of the anime began airing on Adult Swim’s Toonami block on August 24, 2019.
Using the new waterwheel, Senku mechanizes the ironmaking process, freeing up the villagers to prepare for winter. Meanwhile, Senku, Chrome, and Kaseki begin developing light bulbs, allowing them to celebrate Christmas by decorating a tree. Chrome uses the new invention to explore deeper in caves, where he finds a host of new minerals. Senku and Kaseki attempt to create a vacuum tube, but they cannot find a filament that can withstand the heat. During a New Year’s sunrise, Senku realizes tungsten is the solution and employs himself, Chrome, and Magma on a spelunking expedition.
In the search for tungsten, Senku, Chrome, and Magma search a nearby cave. After encountering a mica vein, Magma tries to save Senku from falling into a sinkhole, but both eventually are trapped. Chrome saves them both by filling the sinkhole up with water. The three hurriedly return back to the village after encountering a deposit rich with minerals in order to make it in time to celebrate Senku’s birthday. While the three were gone, Gen and the village build an observatory for Senku.
Senku unveils the pile of tungsten for final preparation. After being crushed into a fine powder, it needs to be heated at an extremely high temperature for it to become usable. While Senku readies the tungsten powder, he charges Chrome and Kaseki to create a method of pinpoint high-temperature heating using everything they’ve learned since Senku’s arrival in the village. Once the tungsten filament is created, everyone splits into groups to complete the remaining tasks; Suika and her friends finish twining the gold wire, Senku and Chrome create the necessary plastic, Kinro, Ginro, and Kohaku burn coal for its ash and make a microphone, and Gen and Ruri create zinc-carbon batteries. They all finish their tasks and Senku puts it all together, creating the first modded cell phone in the new world.
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