“Boogie Nights” is a 1997 American historical drama film written, produced and directed by Paul Thomas Anderson. Set in Los Angeles’ San Fernando Valley, the film focuses on a young nightclub dishwasher who becomes a popular star of p**nographic films, chronicling his rise in the 1970s through his fall during the excesses of the 1980s.
The movie is an expansion of Anderson’s mockumentary short film The Dirk Diggler Story (1988).
Boogie Nights garnered critical praise and was nominated for three Academy Awards, including Best Original Screenplay for Anderson, Best Supporting Actress for Julianne Moore and Best Supporting Actor for Burt Reynolds.
Burt Reynolds received the Best Supporting Actor award for his role as Jack Horner from several award giving bodies including the Golden Globe Awards and New York Film Critics Circle Awards. Same goes for Julianne Moore, who received several Best Supporting awards for her performance as Amber Waves from the Golden Satellite Awards, Los Angeles Film Critics Association Awards, and National Society of Film Critics Awards, among others.
Meanwhile, Anderson received the Best New Filmmaker award at the Boston Society of Film Critics Awards and Best Original Screenplay at the Writers Guild of America Awards.
- Starring : Mark Wahlberg / Julianne Moore / Burt Reynolds
- Genre : Drama
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Paul Thomas Anderson
- Production : New Line Cinema / Lawrence Gordon Productions / Ghoulardi Film Company
- Distributor : Alliance Atlantis Communications / Focus Film AG / GAGA / Líder Films / Metropolitan Filmexport / New Line Cinema / Image Entertainment / PlayArte Home Vídeo / Rainboworld Entertainment / Roadshow Entertainment Video / The Criterion Collection / Warner Bros.
Boogie Nights movie
Boogie Nights release date
- September 11, 1997 : Canada (Toronto International Film Festival)
- October 8, 1997 : USA (New York Film Festival)
- October 10, 1997 : USA (limited)
- October 31, 1997 : USA
- February 12, 1998 : Australia
- August 20, 1998 : Singapore
- October 10, 1998 : Japan
- September 21, 2014 : USA (New York Film Festival)
Boogie Nights cast
- Burt Reynolds as Jack Horner
- Julianne Moore as Amber Waves
- Mark Wahlberg as Eddie Adams / Dirk Diggler
- Don Cheadle as Buck Swope
- John C. Reilly as Reed Rothchild
- William H. Macy as Little Bill
- Heather Graham as Rollergirl
- Nicole Ari Parker as Becky Barnett
- Philip Seymour Hoffman as Scotty J.
- Luis Guzmán as Maurice t.t. Rodriguez
- Philip Baker Hall as Floyd Gondolli
- Nina Hartley as Little Bill’s Wife
- Thomas Jane as Todd Parker
- Joanna Gleason as Dirk’s Mother
- Lawrence Hudd as Dirk’s Father
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