‘Best in Show’ is a mockumentary comedy film co-written by Christopher Guest and Eugene Levy and directed by Guest. The film follows five entrants in the Mayflower Kennel Club Dog Show in Philadelphia, a prestigious dog show. It focuses on the slightly surreal interactions among the various owners and handlers, as they travel to the show and then compete during the show.
Much of the dialogue in the movie was improvised.
“Best in Show” was critically acclaimed, with a 94% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes based on 112 reviews, and a score of 78 out of 100 on Metacritic, indicating “generally favorable reviews”. It won American, British, and Canadian Comedy Awards and is number 38 on Bravo’s “100 Funniest Movies”.
The film earned USD 20.78 million worldwide, against a production budget of USD 10 million.
- Starring : Jennifer Coolidge / John Michael Higgins / Michael Hitchcock
- Genre : Comedy
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Christopher Guest
- Production : Castle Rock Entertainment
- Distributor : Warner Bros. / Argentina Video Home / Sandrew Metronome Distribution / Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution / Warner Home Video / Warner Sogefilms A.I.E.
Best in Show movie
[ref: Movieclips Classic Trailers]
Best in Show release date
- September 8, 2000 : Canada (Toronto International Film Festival) (premiere)
- September 19, 2000 : USA (premiere)
- September 29, 2000 : USA (limited)
- October 1, 2000 : USA (Chicago International Film Festival)
- October 20, 2000 : USA
- March 31, 2001 : Japan (Tokyo)
- April 12, 2001 : Australia
Best in Show cast
- Jennifer Coolidge as Sherri Ann Cabot
- Christopher Guest as Harlan Pepper
- John Michael Higgins as Scott Donlan
- Michael Hitchcock as Hamilton Swan
- Eugene Levy as Gerry Fleck
- Jane Lynch as Christy Cummings
- Michael McKean as Stefan Vanderhoof
- Catherine O’Hara as Cookie Fleck
- Parker Posey as Meg Swan
- Jay Brazeau as Dr. Chuck Nelken
- Bob Balaban as Dr. Theodore W. Millbank, III
- Larry Miller as Max Berman
- Jim Piddock as Trevor Beckwith
- Fred Willard as Buck Laughlin
- Ed Begley Jr. as Hotel Manager
- Will Sasso as Dale the Fishin’ Hole Guy
- Lynda Boyd as Cabot Party Guest
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