Revenge of the Nerds is a 1984 American comedy film directed by Jeff Kanew, and starring Robert Carradine and Anthony Edwards, with Curtis Armstrong, Ted McGinley, Julia Montgomery, Brian Tochi, Larry B. Scott, Michelle Meyrink, John Goodman, Timothy Busfield, and Donald Gibb.
The film’s plot chronicles a group of nerds at the fictional Adams College trying to stop the ongoing harassment by the jock fraternity, the Alpha Betas, in addition to the latter’s sister sorority, Pi Delta Pi.
- Starring : Robert Carradine
- Genre : Comedy
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Jeff Kanew
- Production : Twentieth Century Fox / Interscope Communications / Zacharias-Buhai Productions
- Distributor : Twentieth Century Fox / Elliniki Kinimatografiki Enosi (ELKE) / 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment España / 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment / Abril Vídeo / CBS / Fox Video / CBS/Fox Home Video / CBS/Fox Video / CBS/Fox / Home Box Office (HBO)
Revenge of the Nerds movie
Revenge of the Nerds release date
- July 20, 1984 : USA (limited)
- August 10, 1984 : USA
- November 1, 1984 : Australia
Revenge of the Nerds cast
- Robert Carradine as Lewis
- Anthony Edwards as Gilbert
- Timothy Busfield as Poindexter
- Andrew Cassese as Wormser
- Curtis Armstrong as ‘Booger’
- Larry B. Scott as Lamar
- Brian Tochi as Takashi
- Julia Montgomery as Betty Childs(as Julie Montgomery)
- Michelle Meyrink as Judy
- Ted McGinley as Stan Gable
- Matt Salinger as Burke
- Donald Gibb as Ogre
- James Cromwell as Mr. Skolnick(as Jamie Cromwell)
- David Wohl as Dean Ulich
- John Goodman as Coach Harris
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