Southern Charm star Kathryn Dennis is in love but her friends see red flag all over as she opened up about a new man in her life.
I’m actually dating someone. Apparently, I have a type, he’s a senator.
– Kathryn Dennis
Kathryn Dennis also stated that she and Florida politician Joseph Abruzzo (age 26) started dating after they met at a football game.
I really like him a lot. He’s kind, he’s got a 3-year-old son and he wears sunless tanner like me.
– Kathryn Dennis
But her friends are concerned. One of Kathryn’s friends, Craig Conover, is concerned over Joseph Abruzzo’s reputation after he read about the polician on the internet.
He’s a disgraced politician. He’s not running for re-election because of his divorce. His wife is accusing him of being physically abusive.
– Craig Conover
Craig Conover also couldn’t help but notice the similarities between the accusations made against Kathry Dennis’ new boyfriend Joseph Abruzzo and those against her ex-boyfriend Thomas Ravenel.
In September 2018, Thomas Ravenel was arrested and charged with assault and battery in the second degree. He denied all the allegations.
Everything that we know about Kathryn and Thomas’ relationship is everything this guy’s ex-wife is saying about him.
– Craig Conover
I would just hate more than anything for her to fall back into something like that. She’s come so far.
– Chelsea Meissner
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