The film follows the story of Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick), a high-school slacker who spends a day off from school. Ferris regularly “breaks the fourth wall” to explain his techniques and inner thoughts.
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is a 1986 American teen comedy film written, co-produced, and directed by John Hughes, and co-produced by Tom Jacobson. The movie earned USD 70.1 million over a USD 5.8 million budget, and was acclaimed by critics and audiences alike.
In 2014, “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress, being deemed “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.” The film is considered one of the funniest movies, ranking 54th on Bravo’s “100 Funniest Movies” and 26th in the British 50 Greatest Comedy Films. It it also ranked number 10 on Entertainment Weekly’s list of the “50 Best High School Movies”.
- Starring : Matthew Broderick / Alan Ruck / Mia Sara
- Genre : Comedy
- Country : United States
- Language : English / German
- Director : John Hughes
- Production : Paramount Pictures
- Distributor : Paramount Pictures / United International Pictures (UIP) / Cinemark Argentina / Fathom Events / Argentina Video Home / CIC Vídeo / Esselte CIC Video / Esselte Video / Finnkino / National Broadcasting Company (NBC) / Nelonen / Paramount Home Entertainment / Paramount Home Video / Showtime/The Movie Channel / TV3 / Universal Pictures / Yleisradio (YLE)
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off movie
[ref: Movieclips Classic Trailers]
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off release date
- June 11, 1986 : USA
- August 21, 1986 : Australia
- February 28, 1987 : Japan
- March 9, 2011 : Canada (Nova Scotia)
- February 4, 2012 : Canada (Digital Film Festival)
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off cast
- Matthew Broderick as Ferris Bueller
- Alan Ruck as Cameron Frye
- Mia Sara as Sloane Peterson
- Jeffrey Jones as Ed Rooney
- Jennifer Grey as Jeanie Bueller
- Cindy Pickett as Katie Bueller
- Lyman Ward as Tom Bueller
- Edie McClurg as Grace
- Charlie Sheen as Boy in Police Station
- Ben Stein as Economics Teacher
- Del Close as English Teacher
- Virginia Capers as Florence Sparrow
- Richard Edson as Garage Attendant
- Larry Flash Jenkins as Attendant’s Co-Pilot
- Kristy Swanson as Simone Adamley
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