“The Queen’s Corgi” follows the adventures of Rex, the British monarch’s most beloved dog. He gets lost from the palace and runs into a dog fight club with dogs of all kinds confronting each other. He embarks on an epic journey to return to the queen and discovers his true self along the way.
This animated feature film is directed by Ben Stassen and Vincent Kesteloot, and written by John R. Smith and Rob Sprackling. It is based on Queen Elizabeth II and her corgis’ friendship.
- Starring : Jack Whitehall / Julie Walters / Ray Winstone
- Genre : Animation
- Country : Belgium
- Language : English
- Director : Vincent Kesteloot / Ben Stassen
- Production : Belga Productions / nWave Pictures
- Distributor : Apollo Films / Cinemundo / Constantin-Film / Independent Films / Leda Film / Lionsgate / Odeon – Audio Visual Entertainment / Shaw Organisation / TriPictures / Wild Bunch
The Queen’s Corgi movie
[ref: LionsgateFilmsUK]
The Queen’s Corgi release date
- June 13, 2019 : Singapore
- July 4, 2019 : Australia
The Queen’s Corgi cast
- Jack Whitehall as Rex (voice)
- Julie Walters as The Queen (voice)
- Ray Winstone as Tyson (voice)
- Sheridan Smith as Wanda (voice)
- Matt Lucas as Charlie (voice)
- Tom Courtenay as The Duke Of Edinburgh (voice)
- Anthony Skordi as Nelson (voice)
- Nina Wadia as Patmore (voice)
- Colin McFarlane as Chief (voice)
- Jon Culshaw as Trump (voice)
- Debra Stephenson as Melania Trump (voice)
- Iain McKee as Jack (voice)
- Camila Rhodes as Vet (voice)
- Jamal Fahim as Dodgey Dog (voice)
- Kulvinder Ghir as Sanjay (voice)
- Sarah Hadland as Mitzy (voice)
- Timothy Christian Jansen as Benjamin (voice)