This follows the story of twin brothers named Diego and Pedro, who choose to live their lives differently and end up on opposite sides of the law. Diego becomes a celebrated LAPD detective while Pedro turns to a life of crime.
When Pedro dies and clues connect his death to a case Diego is working on, Diego takes on the figure of masked street legend El Chicano. He sets off a war to defend his city and avenge his brother’s murder.
- Starring : Raul Castillo / George Lopez / Aimee Garcia
- Genre : Drama / Crime / Action
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Ben Hernandez Bray
- Production : WarParty Films
- Distributor : Briarcliff Entertainment
El Chicano movie
[ref: Briarcliff Entertainment]
El Chicano release date
- September 22, 2018 : USA (Los Angeles Film Festival)
- October 26, 2018 : USA (Austin Film Festival)
- May 3, 2019 : USA
El Chicano cast
- Raúl Castillo as Diego / Pedro
- George Lopez as Captain Gomez
- Aimee Garcia as Vanessa
- Kate del Castillo
- Jose Pablo Cantillo as Detective Martinez
- Marlene Forte as Susana
- Emilio Rivera
- David Castañeda as Shotgun
- Noel G. Marco Rodriguez
- Roberto Garcia (Mr. Criminal) as Jaws
- Sal Lopez as El Gallo
- Logan Arevalo as Young Diego
- Armida Lopez as Karla Morales
- Bobby Jerome Izat as Paramedic
- Linda Kee as Coroners Assistant