A deaf teener named Ally Andrews (Kiernan Shipka) and her family, struggle to survive in a world under attack from terrifying primeval creatures who hunt their prey by sound. As the family seeks refuge in a remote haven, they discover a sinister cult who are eager to exploit Ally’s heightened senses.
This movie is based on a screenplay by Carey Van Dyke and Shane Van Dyke that adapts the 2015 horror novel of the same name by Tim Lebbon.
- Starring : Kiernan Shipka / Stanley Tucci / Miranda Otto
- Genre : Horror
- Country : Germany
- Language : English
- Director : John R. Leonetti
- Production : Constantin Film
- Distributor : Constantin Film / Splendid Film / Mongkol Major / Netflix
The Silence movie
[ref: Netflix]
The Silence release date
- April 12, 2019 : Australia (internet)
- April 12, 2019 : USA
- April 12, 2019 : USA (internet)
The Silence cast
- Kiernan Shipka as Ally Andrews
- Stanley Tucci
- Miranda Otto
- John Corbett
- Sarah Abbott as Hushed Girl
- Kate Corbett as Hushed Mother
- Kyle Breitkopf as Jude Andrews
- Dempsey Bryk as Rob
- Billy MacLellan as The Reverend
- Hannah Gordon as Subway Passenger
- Callum Shoniker as Child in Car
- Taylor Love as Subway Passenger
- Cesare Scarpone as Subway passenger
- Helen Stevens as Woman in Car
- Tammie Sutherland as Cave Reporter