The Aftermath is a 2019 drama film directed by James Kent and written by Joe Shrapnel and Anna Waterhouse, based on the novel of the same name by Rhidian Brook. It stars Keira Knightley, Alexander Skarsgård, Jason Clarke, and Alexander Scheer. The film will be released in the United States on March 15, 2019, by Fox Searchlight Pictures. It had its world premiere at the Glasgow Film Festival on February 26, 2019.
- Starring : Keira Knightley / Alexander Skarsgård / Jason Clarke
- Genre : Drama / Romance / War
- Country : United Kingdom / Germany / United States
- Language : English / Russian
- Director : James Kent
- Production : Amusement Park Films / Fox Searchlight Pictures / Scott Free Productions
- Distributor : Fox Searchlight Pictures / 20th Century Fox / Warner Bros.
The Aftermath movie
The Aftermath release date
- March 13, 2019 : Philippines
- March 14, 2019 : Singapore
- March 15, 2019 : USA
The Aftermath cast
- Alexander Skarsgård as Stefan Lubert
- Keira Knightley as Rachael Morgan
- Jason Clarke as Lewis Morgan
- Martin Compston as Burnham
- Kate Phillips as Susan Burnham
- Jannik Schümann as Albert
- Fionn O’Shea as Barker
- Alexander Scheer as Siegfried Leitmann
- Flora Thiemann as Freda Lubert
- Tom Bell as Captain Eliot
- Jim High as British Soldier
- Anna Katharina Schimrigk as Heike
- Abigail Rice as Pamela Eliot
- Iva Sindelková as Passerby
- Logan Hillier as British Captain
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