The Angry Birds embark on a new adventure, while King Mudbeard, ruler of the Bad Piggies, plots revenge against them after they devastated his homeland in a prior battle to reclaim their eggs. Meanwhile, a mysterious purple bird, Zeta, tired of her life on a remote, polar island, threatens them all with her own plans for conquest.
- Starring : Jason Sudeikis / Josh Gad / Leslie Jones / Bill Hader
- Genre : Animation / Action / Adventure / Comedy / Family
- Country : Finland / United States
- Language : English
- Director : Thurop Van Orman / John Rice
- Production : Columbia Pictures Corporation / Rovio Animation / Sony Pictures Animation
- Distributor : Columbia Pictures Corporation / Sony Pictures Entertainment / Sony Pictures Releasing / United International Pictures (UIP) / Universal Pictures International (UPI) / Walt Disney Studios Sony Pictures Releasing (WDSSPR)
The Angry Birds Movie 2 movie
[ref: Sony Pictures Entertainment]
The Angry Birds Movie 2 release date
- August 16, 2019 : USA
- September 12, 2019 : Australia
The Angry Birds Movie 2 cast
- Peter Dinklage as Mighty Eagle(voice)
- Dove Cameron as (voice)
- Awkwafina as (voice)
- Sterling K. Brown as (voice)
- Bill Hader as Leonard(voice)
- Josh Gad as Chuck(voice)
- Jason Sudeikis as Red(voice)
- Rachel Bloom as (voice)
- Danny McBride as Bomb(voice)
- Brooklynn Prince as (voice)
- Lil Rel Howery as (voice)(as LilRel Howery)
- Nicki Minaj as (voice)
- Zach Woods as (voice)
- Eugenio Derbez as (voice)
- Leslie Jones as (voice)
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