Tyler Perry’s A Madea Family Funeral is an upcoming 2019 American comedy film written, directed, and produced by Tyler Perry. It is the eleventh installment of the Madea film series, and stars Perry in several roles, including as the titular character, as well as Cassi Davis and Patrice Lovely. The film is scheduled to be released in the United States on March 1, 2019. Perry has stated that he intends for this to be the last Madea film.
- Starring : Cassi Davis / Patrice Lovely / Tyler Perry
- Genre : Comedy
- Country : United States
- Language : English
- Director : Tyler Perry
- Production : The Tyler Perry Company / Tyler Perry Studios
- Distributor : Lionsgate / Eagle Films
A Madea Family Funeral movie
A Madea Family Funeral release date
- March 1, 2019 : USA
A Madea Family Funeral cast
- Tyler Perry as Madea / Joe / Brian / Heathrow
- Cassi Davis as Aunt Bam
- Patrice Lovely as Hattie
- Mike Tyson as Roy
- Ciera Payton as Sylvia
- Kj Smith as Carol
- Quin Walters as Renee
- Aeriél Miranda as Gia
- Jen Harper as Vianne
- Courtney Burrell as A.J.
- Rome Flynn as Jesse
- David Otunga as Will
- Derek Morgan as Anthony
- Aryeh-Or as Undertaker
- Christianee Porter as Soloist
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