During an outbreak of a deadly plague, a mystical woman named Hanna must save her tight-knit Jewish community from foreign invaders. She creates an entity, a golem in the form of a boy, to protect them.
But the golem she created proved to be a far greater evil than the invaders.
“The Golem” is directed by Doron Paz and Yoav Paz, the same filmmakers of the apocalyptic movie, “Jeruzalem”.
- Starring : Hani Furstenberg / Ishai Golan / Adi Kvetner
- Genre : Horror
- Country : Israel
- Language : English
- Director : Doron Paz / Yoav Paz
- Production : Dread Central Original / Epic Pictures
- Distributor : Epic Pictures Group
The Golem movie
[ref: Rapid Trailer]
The Golem release date
February 5, 2019 : VOD and limited release
The Golem cast
- Hani Furstenberg as Hanna
- Ishai Golan as Benjamin
- Brynie Furstenberg as Perla
- Adi Kvetner as Jacob
- Lenny Ravich as Horrovits
- Alex Tritenko as Vladimir
- Olga Safronova as Villager(uncredited)
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