The American Marvel superhero film “Venom” starring English actor Tom Hardy (age 41), is ripping its way at the box office with total earnings now at a whopping $822.5 million as of November 25, 2018.
“Venom” has surpassed the all-time worldwide gross of “Deadpool” (2016), the original “Spider-Man” (2002), and “Wonder Woman”, 7 weeks after its domestic release on October 5, 2018.
Its ranking on the All Time Box Office Chart jumped from #84 to #70, in less than a week.
“Venom” has also become the second biggest superhero origin story of all time, just a notch lower than “Black Panther”.
Among the superhero movies of the Marvel Universe, “Venom” will most likely surpass the 2017 release “Thor:Ragnarok” and “Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2” in the coming days.
The question now is, will “Venom” ever cross the $1 billion mark?