The 2018 American superhero film “Venom” has now outgrossed “Star Wars”, “Guardians of the Galaxy” and “Deadpool 2” with its $779.7 million worldwide box office earnings as of November 19, 2018.
Directed by Ruben Fleischer and starring English actor Tom Hardy (age 41) in the title role, “Venom” had a total of $210.3 million domestic earnings (meaning US & Canada) as of November 19, 2018.
Foreign earnings zoomed to $569.4 million as of November 18, 2018, more than one-third of which, came from China.
“Venom” had gross earnings of $205.3 million in China, after only 10 days of screening. It had a huge first day opening gross of $34.9 million on November 9, 2018, second only to the first day earnings of “Avengers: Infinity War”.
Ironically, “Venom” has been panned by critics and got a very low score of 29% on American review-aggregation website, Rotten Tomatoes. But, the audience score of 86% may explain why it continues to rake in money at the tills: Critics hate it, but people love it.
At the rate the superhero movie is being showered love in China, analysts expect Venom’s China box office gross to surpass its domestic gross.
“Venom” is currently #84 on the all-time Worldwide Grosses, according to Box Office Mojo stats. It sits just behind “Deadpool”, and “Spider-Man 2”, which had worlwide grosses that are only around $4 million more than that of “Venom”
But “Venom” is expected to sail past these blockbusters very soon.